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Supply and Demand
Localization verses Globalization    l    Disrupting everything Commerce    l    Price Demand    l    Sellers Will Always Sell for free    l    Global Freelancer Crowd

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                  Sellers Exchange

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        Cloudfunding to Scale                                           Disrupting finance with free working capital                                Global Digital Markets Vs Markets

Supply and Terms in business have been built on credit for nearly as long as trading has been around.

Most trade in the Supply Chain relies on providing credit terms that give the buyers the chance to sell before needing to pay.

The terms can be as short as 7 days, out as far as 90 to 120 days but most are at 30 days.

All this process of giving credit or borrowing money needs whole departments dedicated to controlling the cashflow, it costs huge amounts of money and time.

With the Digital Free Trade and Commerce platform, the use of credit terms is eliminated  -  each sell, regardless of where in the Supply Chain, is made with minimal Universally Decentralized Capital to buy their supplies.

In B2B when a business buys on the platform, it operates exactly the same, with the full 100% selling price being held in escrow being locked to the buyer when they pay as low as 20% buying prices  -  payment locks the buyer with the Deal and seller  -  only waiting for delivery before the full payment is released.

The low 20% buying prices are more than an incentive for buyers to have sufficient UDC in their business accounts  -  ready to jump at the Deals when they are released.

Buyers have an even lower price to pay from their pocket when they get involved in bidding for Deals using Free Economic Value.

Free Economic Value is free to earn and never needs to be paid back, ever  -  it is the new working capital that businesses can earn just by viewing QwickPic displays, in this context, one business is helping another and another, by perpetually increasing the global inventory in the New Economy, then using that free working capital to increase their business's strength and independence.

Businesses can have their own Digital Sales Division focused on earning Free Economic Value and trade as market makers - OMMs with new income streams or to get the advantage of competing for lower priced supplies for their own business's operations.

All types of services like power supply, phone costs and more specific supplies used by the business can be centered around a new type of business department.

Businesses along the Supply Chain can be retailers, wholesalers, manufacturers  -  all are sellers and buyers needing supplies to operate  -  SMBs whether Mom and Dad or big enterprises, they can all gain using the platform's services to sell or buy.

With it all done using real time payment terms  -  in many cases it would eliminate the need for credit departments and costly loans.

The change of how markets will work comes with the change to how influence and value can cross borders to stimulate local economies by the initial actions of local Sellers applying free Direct Foreign Decentralized Capital  -  DFDC does the rest.

                            The 'Seller's Trade Exchange Market        QwickPic

Check out a Deal Registration and Cloudfund Strategy

See a Snap-Shot view of a Cloudfund strategy and bidding for Deals

Cloudfunding generates Price Demand  -  digitizes cash to flow ubiquitously around the world

What's The Monetizing Moment?

Cloud Commerce operates by Outsourcing the Selling to the Crowd by Cloudfunding

How Sellers Outsource their Selling to the Crowd?


QwickP2P   'Pay it Forward, Now!' completes the sales activity for sellers!

As UDC is validated and exchanged in the Digital Economy it permeates out into local economies!

see the connection of players that help achieve 'Productivity' :   Global Cloud Productivity

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