Subliminal Interactive Advertising      .  .  brings Subliminal Interactive Advertising to local Media, and everywhere else!
The Content Connection                              
Cloudfunding changes the Paid for Content model!

Local Media    Local Media       Local Media
      -  Media Future
      -  Content Connection
      -  Monetization
      -  Print  /  TV  /  Web

    NewsFeed          News Feed
Food Pantry    SocialDemand   QwickChat

Local Media    Local Demand

    QwickPic           QUIK-Pics
    Search               Business

Local Media    Global Market    Global Productivity Market
Local Media    Places                Places
Local Media    Locations           Global Productivity Market
Local Media    QwickBids         QwickBid
    Portfolio             Portfolio
    Content Kings   Content Kings
Local Media    QwickPics         QwickPics Mobile App
    QwickP2P          QwickP2P
    OMM                   OMM
Food Pantry    LA Agent            LA Agent

    Marketing Agents

  Content Providers now have a business model

The Media industry has changed with audiences increasingly turning-off from advertising and content paywalls

-  for print media and journalism and any content providers, the overall dilemma is how to get revenue.

Traditional advertising is usually a paid lump sum, or the 'paid per click' model, each supposedly spreading the word

Cloudfunding offers revenue streams for journalists, artists, authors  -  any Content Provider can gain revenue from their audience.

There are two Options for Content Providers with Cloudfunding,

-  one is a Paid Option, the other is earning a % from items sold from QwickPic siAds displayed in the background of their Content.

Either way, once QwickPic Ready Opt-in is clicked, the QwickPic siAds are linked with the Providers whether the displayed or not.

The Platform enables any media to monetize and be paid on the number of sales linking user to content using SIA

The medium receives 2.5% of the full Selling Price for each unit sold directly linking user with the medium or content, whichever is set.

Businesses usually discount to attract demand, the incentive now is no discounting, just leave it to Cloudfunding and Automated Selling.

Businesses can still use Marketing Agents with free Advertising, without it costing.

The Platform does the marketing reach with economies of scale using Outsourced Selling and Price Demand.

What the Platform focuses on isn't trying to suck money from a business or marketer, Cloudfunding is built on top of a productive global economy that has a global network of users who are able to earn money as market makers competing to drive the local economies.

Advertising is now 'sales performance' based

It doesn't cost the Publishers to use the Cloudfunding, it's there for the industry to become a key part of the Digital Economy  -  rather than just be an entry point, local Media can play a major role in global commerce and economies.

Traditional forms of entertainment that rely on paid Advertising is still able to be part of the New Digital Economy to engage with viewers on Television, Web, Print and Radio with free Advertising.

News publications can contribute news or add the QwickPic siAds to their news feeds

Economies of Scale has a new meaning

The economies of scale multiplies exponentially beyond the typical single level of paid advertising being offered  -  the Platform's Global Crowd takes over and spreads the word globally, with the Global Crowd.

Performance is gauged by the quantity of products and services sold  -  receiving 2.5% of the full price for every item sold,

-  the % is not drawn from the Seller's full selling price, it's drawn from the monetization process.

Traditional Media is still an important Industry, it has traveled along in one form or another as a hub to bring local news to local people  -  it still has a role in keeping the wheels of local communities and economies rolling along together  -  that's why having the tools to track a location's commercial activity in real time, wherever it is, is an important identifier in seeing first hand how a Media's efforts can help their local community.

Publishers and Agents can do their own sums

Think of the % of a car's value, and every car sold, or a supermarket's full inventory with quantities sold in the 000's, it can all be from just one siAd display that's released to millions in the Global Crowd.

With unique algorithms a QwickPic display of an item is released out into the Crowd, it can be initiated on the Publisher's website, or in hardcopy, as viewers see the QwickPic they will engage with it to earn Cloudfunds / FEV, and then spread the alerts.

Publishers have a real time dashboard tracking views being recorded and how many alerts are being spread around the world.

Unlike traditional commerce where terms and credit are used to give some incentive to the buyer, what the Platform does is instant payment, as soon as an item is sold by a Seller, and payment is exchanged with a buyer anywhere in the world, once a product or service is in the hands of the buyer, the Publisher is immediately paid, there's no 30, 60 or 90 days waiting to be paid.




QwickPic Ads


QwickPic Ready
Media Option 2
    'Payment for Content' going forward

The Platform provides a paying model to media businesses that can link media news stories etc, whether videos, tv, print and Internet versions with the Platform's selling process on mobile or desktop, which doesn't cost the media businesses or their clients but would overall have a greater ROI per advertisement than any current models.

The Global Crowd's involvement doesn't go down the path as what modern marketing is trying to follow in annoying audiences with technology to track patterns and try to anticipate what product advertisements should be placed in the path of a user,

-  the Platform stays with a traditional view that each individual Buyer is unique and should be treated as such, by giving them the choice to decide their path and keeping the excitement alive in wanting to know what's around the next corner  -  a bit of serendipity.
Media Option 1

Local Media    New Economy

Local Media    DeCom Markets

Local Media    GeoCommerce

Local Media    Local Zones

Local Media    SME Cloudfunding

Local Media    ComTechX

    Queen Bee         
Queen Bee

     -   Seller Co-Ops
     -   Buyer Co-Ops
Online Advertising can now have better ROI for all

Most local Sellers wouldn't risk buying in large volumes of stock and then paying for an advertising campaign if they had doubts that they could 'sell' enough to cover the advertising and make a profit

-  SIA and Automated Selling changes that by having predictable and guaranteed sales, without discounting.

Well you get the idea!  -  an advertising agency can get involved in the actual commercial sales and benefit from the bigger dynamics instead of only giving promises that sales might be there!

Unlike traditional advertising where a form of display is exposed repeatedly or released to mass number of households, the QwickPic model uses minimal exposure at the outset and that initial display ignites the reaction from the Crowd in real time,

-  the viral effect takes over and spreads the products or services for sale on a world wide journey that can be tracked by advertisers and media groups to see real time results.

-  the real time feedback that Outsourced Selling has been completed up to the required quantity of items listed by the seller is a new dimension of selling, normally advertising is like blanket bombing, annoying to viewers and costly to sellers.

-  with early feedback that every item listed by the seller will be sold at the Global Crowd stage means that a medium running the campaign can move onto other sellers

-  if an item is 'sold' at the Crowd stage, it's guaranteed to have a minimum 20% buyers price when it's released to local buyers, and if the item is not sold at the low price to a local Buyer, then it's proof that the item is not saleable.

The Platform uses alerts to send information internally about the ad,             Quik Alert

For any media outlet with news to spread they can link to the Platform,    Local News

The media owns the news copy on the Platform and owns the income generated from the 'news alert displays', according to whether they used the Platform's Seller alerts or added their own clientele base, in which case they earn the 2.5%.

Adding news content to the mobile news feed gives publishers a big opportunity to multiply viewers and payers if they want to use QPay

                                                                                   Local News       Quik Alert   mobile

The biggest hurdle confronting the print media and journalism in this digital era is getting paid for content  -  good journalism still needs to be paid for and the Platform has a payment option that can be used to fit that need.

                                                                                   Local News       Quik Alert   desktop

QPay can be used as a payment method to charge users to read 'news articles' or even subscriptions,

We all know that getting payment is hard to achieve from Internet users, it's expected to be free or they simple find another source, the platform can provide a publisher or author with a paid gateway option,

-  instead of a user being asked to pull out their credit card or use other methods of payment, the user could automatically be cleared through one or more articles even to read an ebook,

-  by being registered on the platform a user is able to collect FEV by viewing
QwickPic ads ( or not ) to pay so they can read articles offered by a publisher,

-  the amount charged can be a few cents that can automatically be debited from the user's Cloudfunds account,

-  or a user could be offered another option of allowing QwickAlerts to be sent to the viewers '6 Levels of connections' and not use the payment option.

-  or a publisher could offer subscriptions for various time periods that would automatically clear a reader whenever they are on the news site,

The QwickAlerts sent out can be linked to the article or even directly to the advertisers that the publisher has as a client.

Unlike typical advertising online where either a view or a click is recorded and charged to the client, the Platform only operates with actual sales, and this is where the publishers can have a direct engagement with the economy.

See SIA - Subliminal Interactive Advertising for the next step in advertising!


Discounting is now more part of modern business  -  so get used to it!

Discounting is part of the supply and demand event and with the speed of global commerce changing the discount is the key mechanic that tries to find that next sale  -  with the speed that the new global commerce operates at, that's been brought on by the Internet  -  which seller is going to be first to remove the discount from getting the attention of the next buyer?

Discounting merely moves the pendulum back and forth between 'which seller' will the buyer go to, many will say this is the free market but this is all at a cost both to the seller and all their employees and suppliers, and the overall economy that misses out on the taxes etc from full sale prices.

The Platform provides the mechanics that keep both buyer and seller in the best position to grow while still providing plenty of price competition but in a more manageable way that it doesn't affect the local economies and lives  -  and it gives 'publishers', as in media groups, a new approach to offering marketing to their advertising clients  -  Price Demand

Publishers can be part of the 'sale event' and get paid on the success of any sales in real time  -  they can become part of the solution rather than continue to be part of the dilemma!

Real time has a more profound meaning with the way the mechanics operate on the platform

-  traditional business has 30, 60 and 90 day payment terms but with the Platform those terms disappear as the payment is in real time, meaning that as a customer hands over the 'collection code' the payment is released from escrow and the seller has access to the funds

-  no more waiting or non payment as the Platform operates purely on fully paid value and not credit.

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