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                     PriceDemand.Online                                                  Economy 2 Economy
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These are unprecedented times  -  needing unprecedented demand!
The real economy has undoubtedly been decoupled over the years from the financial system, when it comes to equality and sharing growth
-  this has left societies to fend for themselves when it comes to generating productivity and economic wealth across local economies.

With a new autonomous economic system that has global economies of scale to harness the digitally connected world, things can change!

Cloudfunding is a market driven economy that's able to take up allocated resources ( products & services ) and be able to sell it ( monetize ) today,
with confidence that someone will buy it ( incentivized by Price Demand ) in the future, so giving sellers confidence to invest in inventory and jobs
-  and therefore giving workers the confidence of having jobs in the future, and the confidence to spend today!
    so what's it about?      
It's about a new domain where local economies democratically control productivity!
Global Chamber of Local Economies
It's about challenging how credit is enslaving suburban and rural societies into perpetual debt!
It's about moving local Commerce to a free flowing ecosystem that challenges predatory pricing!
it all changes from here!
there's now a new domain that insulates local economies!
it's where supply and demand finance moves to a new paradigm!
Blue Dot     .  .  it's where Main Street and Online Commerce merges on a new global economic infrastructure platform that sits above all the B2B, B2C and D2C marketplaces with new capital flows Blue Dot     .  .  it's where SMEs get to operate on a platform where a decentralized global network of market makers directly stimulates productivity, by fully monetizing local SME inventories, before there's a buyer  
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Cloudfunding . . new frontier in Commerce!
It's about a global economic system where all the functions for local Commerce are merged!
Blue Dot     .  .  It stimulates productivity on a linear scale in local economies that's sustainable  -  and without creating more credit and debt. Blue Dot     .  .  it forms Free Open Market Economic Zones around all the industries in each local economy  -  to both isolate and incentivize productivity.  
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It's about sellers gaining maximum profitability  -  and buyers gaining maximum affordability!
It's about 21st Century tech changing market dynamics to directly stimulate local economies!
Blue Dot     .  .  it directly stimulates SMEs and productivity with new capital flows in commerce in local economies, without adding debt to the already indebted communities, in fact reducing the debt. Blue Dot     .  .  it gives SMEs direct access to new cashflows and free working capital through using the full priced inventories as collateral, avoiding the need for credit, or losing control of the inventories.  
It shifts control of capital flows to a decentralized consensus controlled by local communities!
Global Consensus
Cloudfunding challenges the status quo!
It re-establishes localization as the key to scaling global economic growth, by re-writing the rules!
It identifies economic value held in local SME inventories that just sits around waiting for buyers!
.  .  it untaps that 'idle capacity' held up in local economies!
Blue Dot     .  .  that 'idle capacity' is now able to fully monetize local Commerce in the real economy, in real time  -  it eliminates the costs that rent-seeking incumbents add to the cost of doing business. Blue Dot     .  .  it's collateral that doesn't take equity in a seller's house  -  just simply lets sellers list their inventories into an economic system that 'cuts the fat' around commerce, and concentrates on getting sales.  
Cloudfunding is a public economic utility
.  .  just like electricity but on new digital highways that connect local economies with ubiquitous flows of productive capital
Global Economic Utility Network
.  .  it distributes Subliminal Organically Decentralized Advertising as a free economic stimulus to help drive demand in consumer spending
Paid Advertising is for brand awareness  -  Subliminal Advertising is for getting sales
-  instead of paying tech monopolies to advertise, it's now free!
-  tech reverses it so economic value stays in local economies!
.  .  sellers now just list their inventories at the full selling prices, and a process takes over to fully monetize inventories
selling is now fully automated!
.  .  inventories are then released in a seller's trading zone, where buyers compete to buy at prices they want to pay!
Main Street and the Internet are both missing economic infrastructures!
Main Street and the Internet are now merging to build out that missing economic infrastructure, Online!
Main Street has the capital and the Internet has the conduit
Main Street has real capital with intrinsic value . . and it's now ubiquitous across local economies!
Main Street will still be the goto showcase but with a greater consumer interaction going forward!
Cloudfunding re-invents advertising so it sells inventory, not users
.  .  it re-engineers advertising, and gives SMEs the role as 'the new banks' in local economies!
SMEs have the capital, the local connections, and now the infrastructure to drive productivity
.  .  in an ecosystem that directly stimulates local commerce through economies of scale!
.  .  without sellers discounting and giving profits away!
Blue Dot     .  .  it gives SMEs a direct funding channel through DFDC, to use to expand and generate local jobs and economic growth  -  every SME can now be judged by global users on how they handle things like carbon emissions, local wages etc, generally pushing businesses to hold ethical values Blue Dot     .  .  it changes from the way funding is directed at sharemarket listed companies through shares and markets  -  instead a decentralized global network of users independently direct foreign digital capital into local economies, even directed specifically into certain industries and businesses  
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.  .  it offers users a way to be proactive and own economic equity in local economies, world wide!
Blue Dot     .  .  it gives SMEs a direct funding channel through DFDC, to use to expand and generate local jobs and economic growth  -  every SME can now be judged by global users on how they handle things like carbon emissions, local wages etc, generally pushing businesses to hold ethical values Blue Dot     .  .  it changes from the way funding is directed at sharemarket listed companies through shares and markets  -  instead a decentralized global network of users independently direct foreign digital capital into local economies, even directed specifically into certain industries and businesses  
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The real economy has undoubtedly been decoupled over the years from the financial system, when it comes to equality and sharing growth,
this has left societies to fend for themselves when it comes to generating productivity and economic wealth across local economies.

With a new autonomous economic system that has global economies of scale to harness the digitally connected world, things can change!

Cloudfunding is a market driven economy that's able to take up allocated resources ( products & services ) and be able to sell it ( monetize ) today,
with confidence that someone will buy it ( incentivized by Price Demand ) in the future, so giving sellers confidence to invest in inventory and jobs
-  and therefore giving workers the confidence of having jobs in the future, and the confidence to spend today!
.  .  it gives SMEs and Start-ups a new funding source!
.  .  it's free backing without needing loans or losing equity!
    so how does it work?      
It starts by distributing the local economic value world wide, as subliminal advertising  .  .  as free working capital!
Free Economic Value  -  it's the Internet's 'free working capital', it's free to collect, has no interest or fees, and never needs to be paid back, ever!
    QwickPic App   QwickPic Ready    
.  .  it's used in an economic engine process to monetize and escrow the full selling prices of the seller inventories.
Cloud Capital Inventory                            Cloud Capital Outsourced Selling                            Cloud Capital Smart Contracts                            Cloud Capital Price Demand                            Liquidity
   Seller - Inventories                      Outsourced Selling                       Smart Contracts                           Buyer - Price Demand                      Seller Liquidity     
       Listing inventory is free                     Crowd Consensus                 Guaranteed full selling prices            Cascading buying prices               Liquidity Seller / Buyer      
.  .  once inventory is monetized, this allows consumers to compete to buy the inventory at prices they want to pay.
Blue Dot     .  .  it's used to build a decentralized global user network that's incentivized to directly stimulate productivity in all types of local economies around the world! Blue Dot     .  .  it's the monetization of new productivity with validated capital that flows through the recycled global aggregate demand mechanism ( RADM ) of payments of sold products and services!  
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.  .  it has a recycling mechanism that redirects aggregate demand in global productivity back to validate new capital!
Blue Dot     .  .  it challenges the Amazon model that has used Wall Street's capital power to out-price and out-last Main Street! Blue Dot     .  .  it gives Main Street its own Market Index to track and respond to real-time global productivity in the real economy!  
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.  .  it reduces the friction so sellers and buyers can interact seamlessly across borders, from economy to economy!
Blue Dot     .  .  it directly operates with a neutral and stable international unit of account, eliminating incumbent fees and currency spreads! Blue Dot     .  .  it's thinking outside the box, by integrating a universal distribution of local economic growth that directly targets inequality in local economies!  
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.  .  it directly targets wealth inequality, by changing how capital flows are generated and distributed, globally!
Cloudfunding - New Economic Flows
.  .  it challenges the status quo by re-writing the rules of engagement in commerce to suit the new global economy!
Blue Dot     .  .  it changes the dynamics in commerce by replacing Credit as the leading catalyst, with Productivity  -  this means the global aggregate demand (payment of products & services) directly monetizes new productivity. Blue Dot     .  .  it separates the supply side from the demand side, allowing both sides to be directly incentivized simultaneously  -  so sellers gain maximum profitability with full prices, and buyers gain greater buying power with lower prices.  
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Cloudfunding isn't an ADI, no sovereign currencies are held or transferred across borders by the platform or any agents
Cloudfunding isn't a marketplace per-se, it's a global economic infrastructure sitting above B2B, B2C and D2C marketplaces
.  .  it's an economic system that merges all the functions Main Street and Online sellers and buyers need to trade fairly and securely!
.  .  its role is to offer an ecosystem that modernizes commerce, by streamlining trade between local and global, with economies of scale!
Cloudfunding shifts commerce's 'business model' of rentier focused capitalism, to an ecosystem where commerce functions are free
.  .  its infrastructure bypasses or absorbs typical incumbent rentier services into its back-end mechanics, eliminating fees and commissions!
.  .  it fast-forwards a new era in global commerce and trade where Main Street and Online truly connect the real economy with the digital economy!
Wall Street   Vs   Main Street
ignored for decades, Main Street now has its own economic system!
a real system for the real economy!
.  .  with its own economic engine, like a country but on a universal scale!
.  .  it counters the global economic imbalances through decentralization!
Global Traffic Flows
.  .  it's governed by a Productive Standard with real time accountability!
.  .  its economic engine even has a familiar 'lottery' game like design!
It realigns market dynamics away from shareholders who focus on taking profits from local companies and economies,
.  .  to economic equity stakeholders who focus on being proactive and sharing economic growth with local economies!
.  .  it redesigns the loyalty and collaboration model into long-tail benefits for sellers and buyers!
Queen Bee
.  .  it gives sellers their own pro-active Digital Sales Division where they're in charge of their sales!
SMEs hold a valuable 'local resource'
Unlike governments, that issue bonds so as to borrow and spend into society, and banks, that create credit 'out of thin air', and then charges interest.
Local economies can now freely generate new capital flows, limited by volumes in global productivity, while being governed by a Productive Standard
-  this means the volume of capital is always fully accountable in real time, and can never operate beyond its productive capacity and capital supply!
The fundamental difference between capital that's created at the top, and capital that's generated at the bottom, is the way it connects with productivity
Top-down capital is more targeted at speculative investment, whereas bottom-up capital is working capital, directly targeted at productivity!

SMEs have 'economies of scale' to stimulate local productivity!
Blue Dot     .  .  it changes capital flows so there's a global balance of payments directed at local economies! Blue Dot     .  .  it directly raises the velocity of the local money supply through the local daily commerce!  
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.  .  plenty of run-way for local economies to scale productivity!
Suppliers down in the supply chains can now control pricing!
Producers        Manufacturers        Retailers
Blue Dot     .  .  some industries have predatory pricing where buyers can dictate prices, and place undue hardship on suppliers  -  that can now change! Blue Dot     .  .  it doesn't matter if it's producers or manufacturers, all suppliers need to have a level playing field for the benefit of local economies!  
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free working capital changes 'the game'
FEV - Free Economic Value breaks through the financial inclusion barrier!
It's been talked about for years, that the internet was missing an economic infrastructure, one that everyone should be able to benefit from.
Held back by scale, that missing infrastructure is now able to be implemented to fulfill the promise that everyone dreamed it would be!

Global scale is now ubiquitous, and so should the economic values that sit 'idle' in local economies, in the real economy!
Through the distribution of local economic value, in subliminal advertising, free micro-values can now be spread globally
.  .  it only needs a simple free app to be downloaded to a mobile or PC to start collecting the Free Economic Value.
FEV is free working capital  -  and it's used in strategies to both monetize seller inventories and validate into UDC.
Universally Decentralized Capital uses the aggregate demand of global productivity to validate it as spending capital.
UDC is Peer to Peer - P2P capital, that's just like local cash, held by the owner to spend on products and services
Like cash, there're no fees, but has deep security as it moves across borders and local currencies, without spreads.
FEV                  Arrow            UDC
UDC meets the criteria as an international unit of account, a stable store of value, a means of exchange and a balance in scarcity
Universally Decentralized Capital is neutral, with the unique addition of being intrinsically governed by a Productive Standard!
.  .  it gives SMEs and Start-ups a new funding source!
.  .  it's free backing without needing loans or losing equity!
SMEs have been disadvantaged for too long  -  SMEs can now compete with the 800lb gorillas!
SME funding Online
SMEs have a competitive advantage!
SMEs are the 'new local banks'
Sellers have the 'collateral' in their local inventories to generate new capital flows
It's a new era in SME Funding
SMEs are entering a new era in local demand  -  with free direct backing

.  .  directly benefit from global users wanting a share of the local economic activity

Seller discounting to find demand shifts to Buyer discounting with price demand!

Banks can't force consumers to borrow but SMEs can definitely incentivize consumers to spend!
Many businesses will be impacted in the new COVID-19 economy  -  having a collaboration with local businesses will build a stronger local economy
Queen Bee
.  .  it provides a new level in free markets that protects small enterprises from major price discounters, by having a system that levels the playing field
.  .  any product or service that can be quantified and priced can use Cloudfunding
.  .  any media or content provider can use Cloudfunding as a new business model
    Want to know how to build a FOMEZ? Know More    
    so where does it sit?    
There's a time-gap, a unique domain in Supply and Demand  -  between when a seller has inventory ready to sell, and when a buyer is ready to purchase!
This domain is where deep-tech can now generate and scale sustainable productivity in local economies, while being isolated from economic instability!
It disrupts the traditional incumbents that hang at both ends of Supply and Demand, by merging all the usual mechanics in commerce inside a new domain!
a domain that insulates local economies!
Blue Dot     .  .  scale is no longer an issue  -  tech can now build new markets that are autonomous and decentralized with all the functionality of old markets but controlled by a global consensus! Blue Dot     .  .  local economies now have new market dynamics that are decentralized and ingrained into the local commercial activity, bringing sustainable and linear economic growth to local economies interconnected, in the real economy!  
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Blue Dot     .  .  simple as credit is to create for lending, with no constraints  -  Cloudfunding's dynamics generate capital at scale but remains constantly governed by a Productive Standard! Blue Dot     .  .  with global scale connectivity now available, a global borderless public economic utility network of highways is able to interconnect local economies through new capital flows, with international benefits!  
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It gives sellers in local supply chains, a competitive advantage, when competing with competitors that use the low cost offshore advantages!
It gives local suppliers the ability to directly challenge market mechanics that have destroyed industries
Cloudfunding challenges market dynamics by operating only in the domain between Supply and Demand
infinite loop
there's a new equilibrium between localization and globalization!
Outsourced Selling   Vs   Outsourced Manufacturing
.  .  it's the missing economic framework that directly unifies local economies in the real economy!
Automated Selling
There's no doubt automation will change the future of work!
Following the 20th century's push for globalization where Outsourced Manufacturing gained an unfair advantage of cheap labour, at the cost of local industries
.  .  the 21st century is fast realizing a new model is needed  -  Outsourced Selling gives localization a competitive advantage!
Advertising is everywhere  -  it's pervasive, costly and unaccountable!
Subliminal Organically Decentralized Advertising changes that, by being free and accountable, with predictable sales!
Unlike Digital Advertising that spreads massive numbers of ads  -  SODA needs very few subliminal ads to flow quietly in the background to get sales!
QwickPic App
Opt-In / Opt-Out function lets the app operate in the background without Users seeing what's listed by local and global sellers, while still collecting FEV!
SODA targets the bulk of seller inventories where the profits wait  -  combining predictability and accountability  -  without all the surveillance and costs!
advertising is now an economic equalizer
.  .  it's no longer the unaccountable funding source, for some!
new capital flows can now be freely distributed via subliminal advertising, as free working capital!
  Blue Dot SMEs hold a 'huge stockpile of economic value' in their local inventories but it's something that banks
and financial institutions often ignore, and rarely want to accept as collateral!
  Blue Dot What's been missing, was the infrastructure to turn that idle economic value into new capital flows, and
link it together as a neutral and stable universally distributed capital!
  Blue Dot It makes a change in the way new capital flows begin, and are accounted for  -  instead of using Credit
as a leading incentive, Productivity is shifted to be the leading catalyst!
  Blue Dot It frees the local economic value by turning it into new cashflows for SMEs, without debt, discounts or fees,
and provides buyers with a new buying experience!
  Blue Dot It opens up new income streams for users living in local economies, globally  -  where lack of employment
and under-employment weighs heavily with the increased cost of living!
  Blue Dot It gives local media a chance to re-invent and shift to a new business model that gives them independence,
and gets them back to what they do best  -  by being the local town crier!
  Blue Dot It makes SMEs 'the new local banks'  -  they hold the local economy's economic value and independence,
so it's right that they use it's true intrinsic universal resource to back the new economic infrastructure!
  Blue Dot It places Main Street as the primary driver of productivity in the real economy, where local communities
can finally be in control of commerce finance linked along new economic highways!
the ultimate goal of Main Street is to get sales, at full price!
Trade is universal, so local economic infrastructure should be universal!
.  .  a neutral universal unit of account interconnecting local economies helps by being as simple as cash!
QwickPay Cash Payments
unlike cash, universally distributed capital is trackable globally down to 14 decimal points, in real time, in a new economic environment,

.  .  where it directly stimulates local productivity, and in doing so, raises the velocity of the local money supply and economic growth!

a local currency by itself is a simple means of exchange  -  on a global scale, the Productive Standard continues that same simple model.

How?  -  by bundling global currencies into a stable international unit of account  .  .  as a neutral peer to peer universally distributed capital!
global remittances now have zero costs!
    so how to use it?  
Sellers just list inventory and let Automated Selling do the rest
.  .  leaving the sales personnel the important job of customer service!
.  .  it then gives Buyers the way to Pay It Forward, Now!, so they can  .  .
Compare - Activate - Buy
Price Demand With Sellers full selling prices locked in escrow, the Deals are released to Buyers, and the price comparisons begin!

Once comparisons are done, anyone can click  Activate  and immediately watch the Buying Price begin to fall

Prices cascade down to 20% of the full Selling Price or until there's a Buyer, without effecting a Seller's full margin

Buying prices fall down to the LA Buying Prices over a minute or less  -  and longer for cars and houses

You'll be hesitant but eager to click  Buy Now  knowing you're not the only one seeing the Buying Price falling

As deals are activated, notifications get sent to local Buyers who list their interest in the items, and they too can buy

Don't worry, most Sellers will have a quantity of stock to release  -  so stay alert and see what prices are in demand
Price Demand is a buying experience that'll change how you buy!
price discovery in real-time!
QwickTime "Do you want delivery with that?"

Entrepreneurs start your own delivery business
-  and support the local sellers!

Sellers compete to win delivery deals
-  delivery services have the option to accept the job
-  guaranteed full payments are released on completion
gig economy is now a real economy!
Now it's about real time price discovery and market trends
Mobile Buys Shopping
    so who can use it?      
cities, suburbs, towns, shopping precincts, malls, franchises, seller groups, seller co-ops, can now collaborate across local economic hubs
Every business belongs to a local economy, what the platform creates is free open market economic zones around all those local businesses
.  .  it provides a new level in free markets that protects small enterprises from major price discounters, by having a system that levels the playing field
    Want to know how to build a FOMEZ? Know More    
then there's the buyers who can join together in buyer co-ops, families or individuals  -  everyone can benefit from cascading buying prices
      Know More    
    so why is it needed?    
The world has come to realize that capital doesn't flow, or even trickle down equally into society!
Regardless of who issues the capital, it's fair to say that there's less coming down the pipeline, and it's even harder to keep!
This restriction has stifled productivity down in the productive areas of local economies, both for business and communities!
What's now possible is for capital to be generated that flows through local economies, and up to government for it to spend!
It gives local economies the way to drawn in new capital flows to stimulate productivity, and control inflation with real time data!
Credit   Vs   Cloudfunding
Wall Street   Vs   Main Street
Main Street has the 'capital' to finance an income distribution economy!
Income Distribution
.  .  bottom-up economics can solve our debt enslaved local societies!
.  .  by challenging the status quo, by separating Supply from Demand!
keeping price parity between supply and demand won't solve the increasing economic inequality confronting most societies!
Blue Dot     .  .  discounting supply won't cut it if profitability is delayed  -  outsourced selling uses a decentralized global network of 'users' to monetize (fully pay) sellers prior to releasing inventories to local buyers -  leaving buyers to trigger the release of payment! Blue Dot     .  .  with supply already fully monetized for the seller  -  the local buyers are then incentivized with Price Demand, where buying prices cascade down to what's more affordable in the local economy  -  which effectively breaks the price parity between supply and demand!  
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local supply chains now have a competitive advantage, all the while being supported by a new era in borderless capital flows!
Occupy Wall Street rightly focused on inequality but never had any alternative economic model!
Cloudfunding cracks the code on sustainable profitability to supply and affordability to demand!
.  .  its economic model stimulates demand with totally new 'productivity driven' markets!
Cloudfunding - New Economic Flows
Countries use currencies to gain a competitive advantage in trade  -  local economies give SMEs a competitive advantage with borderless capital flows!
The real economy is 'naturally isolated' within our local economies  -  and only loses productivity growth when it shifts economic wealth to pay off debt,
Blue Dot     .  .  so keeping the economic value within the real economy and take advantage of free finance for local productivity  -  is better than incurring debt! Blue Dot     .  .  and if productivity is increased and sustained with an economic alliance of local economies  -  then more economic wealth can be kept locally!  
Cloudfunding directly drives new capital flows into local economies through new market structures
.  .  it separates 'shareholders' in companies from 'economic equity stakeholders' in local economies
.  .  it separates investment speculation in shares from equity ownership in real economic productivity
A new type of investor / saver will emerge  -  one that doesn't sit passively and expect to gain off other people's effort
but one that's pro-active by helping to generate productivity, with the gains spread equally across the real economy!
        read more  
    so what can be Cloudfunded?      
any product, service or project that can be quantified and priced
.  .  can be Cloudfunded!
.  .  gives SMEs and Start-ups a new funding source!
.  .  free backing without needing loans or losing equity!
With debt at record levels, SMEs need ways to release their productive capacity, so they and their local economies survive!
Economic Layout
    so how does it scale?      
it taps into the 'idle capacity' of local seller inventories
Please Sir, can I have some more?
.  .  and increases capital flows, so there's more to go around!
As the world is fast becoming aware, countries have the capacity to increase the money supply 'at will'  -  to help offset economic hardship when a crisis occurs,
.  .  it does however lack the ability to increase consumer spending, when many in society just want to save, to safe-guard against what may come in the future!
What Cloudfunding does, is it stimulates the environment with sellers gaining from increased demand, while consumers save by gaining greater buying power
.  .  it fills a void opened up by the increased money supply by stimulating demand and real productivity  -  with flow-on effects in the real economy  -  without adding debt!
Liquidity in Local Economy
it gives 'locals' control of their future!
Blue Dot     .  .  it gives local economies an accountable value, defined by the volume of global productivity! Blue Dot     .  .  it flips foreign direct investment so global users directly stimulate productivity in local economies!  
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.  .  it directly stimulates the velocity of the local economy's 'idle' economic value!
Blue Dot     .  .  it builds a new economic system that directly supports local SMEs! Blue Dot     .  .  it gives local SMEs a level playing field with a competitive advantage!  
    read more   read more  
.  .  it breaks down the 'barriers of entry' so SMEs can compete with global players!
Blue Dot     .  .  it gives local economies the support for sustainable productivity! Blue Dot     .  .  it 'isolates' supply and demand in a new interconnected paradigm!  
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.  .  its economic dynamics monetize full seller prices while giving discounts to buyers!
Blue Dot     .  .  it shifts company shareholding to local economic stakeholding! Blue Dot     .  .  it separates supply and demand so both sides are be fully incentivized!  
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.  .  it makes local economies 'safe havens' for inter-trading with the local economic values!
Blue Dot     .  .  it brings linear economic growth to local economies by decentralizing market dynamics! Blue Dot     .  .  it offers a passive income flow for savers investing in the economic equity of local economies!  
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.  .  it maintains pricing stability by combining global price capping and aggregate demand!
Going forward it could be inflation, stagflation or deflation  -  what's sure to happen is long-term austerity to offset the debt!
The global alliance of local economies has the means of insulating each local economy from external economic shocks!
it shifts productivity to leading catalyst!
.  .  it moves beyond the Amazon and marketplace rentier models
.  .  it brings a global economic infrastructure into local commerce
Liquidity is:  quick access to cash flows        -         Solvency is:  maintaining access to capital
Blue Dot     .  .  liquidity relates more to the short-term measure of sales  -  having the ability to exchange products or services at any time, without disturbing the profit margins! Blue Dot     .  .  solvency relates more to the long-term financial stability of a business  -  the degree to which the current assets of an individual or entity exceed their current liabilities!  
It shifts debt-based economies into productivity-based economies utilizing true economic value
Blue Dot     .  .  it gives local economies an accountable value defined by the volume of global productivity! Blue Dot     .  .  it flips foreign direct investment so global users directly stimulate productivity in local economies!  
Blue Dot     .  .  it makes equity stakeholders in local economies more productive than company shareholders! Blue Dot     .  .  it brings automation to local productivity before robots and automation take jobs and incomes!  
Qwick Subs

For businesses wanting to use Subscriptions, there are several options to select from as the payment methods to access their products and services.

The Subscription Deal model offers a business the unique benefit of having an Opt-in feature for their web site, with the choice left to the users to decide if they want to gain the benefits of using the Opt-in function.

The flexibility of how Subscription Deals are generated can greatly enhance the success for any type of businesses in getting new customers and keeping them.

Businesses can list their own Subscription Deals using the full 100% Selling Prices of the subscription they are offering customers and have the Deals processed via the Outsourced Selling bidding process,

- this allows a business to store the Deals and release them when they are needed.
e.g: bundles of 50, 100 or 1,000 deals can be released to existing customers or to the interested users on the platform.

Another option is for businesses to select from a list of Generic type Deals that are set at various prices that business want as their standard Subscription cost.

With any of the Subscription Deals Price Demand is the means for consumers to activate and start the full Selling Prices to cascade down to a minimum 20% ( 80% off the full Selling Prices).

Cloudfunding flips advertising around
Local Media
. . giving media a new business model
    so when's the launch?      
Expression of interest has been opened up for SMEs, seller groups, shopping precincts and co-ops etc in the Queen Bee loyalty program.
Any number of local economies can be listed  -  it expands as productivity spreads across the thousands of local economies within the countries
    so who can use it?      
cities, suburbs, towns, shopping precincts, malls, franchises, seller groups, seller co-ops, can now collaborate across local economic hubs
Every business belongs to a local economy, what the platform creates is free open market economic zones around all those local businesses
.  .  it provides a new level in free markets that protects small enterprises from major price discounters, by having a system that levels the playing field
    Want to know how to build a FOMEZ? Know More    
then there's the buyers who can join together in buyer co-ops, families or individuals  -  everyone can benefit from cascading buying prices
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    so how can I benefit? .  .  more    
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