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    -   Seller Co-Ops
    -   Buyer Co-Ops

   Queen Bee
What the LED Hub Platform does!

The Platform changes how Selling works!

The Platform outsources the selling side of commerce by changing how manufacturing is typically outsourced to lower income countries and places where there's an unequal balance, instead we open up ways to make it easier for anyone trapped in these environments of inequality, where some are paid a pittance to manufacture products,

-  we take down the barriers so anyone can operate as a virtual wholesale business ( OMM ) using their mobile phones to earn incomes on a par with anyone anywhere in the world!


Whilst not losing sight of the forest for the trees by looking for easy issues to build feature services for, we stayed focused on developing the bigger picture, we started by identifying the single person as the central entity needing to benefit from technology and built out a better world for them, regardless of where they live,

-  the Platform is built around the central issues separating people, locations, money and commerce, synchronizing it all together to form an autonomous digital economy that's strengthened by a central cash currency, uniquely held by sellers and buyers to flow effortlessly and securely across all borders, removing any need for third-party incumbents!

The architecture of the neutral cash currency is attached to true productivity to give it its intrinsic value, not to speculative property values or currency and commodity trading, making it the paradigm shift in how value ( money ) enters an economy in real-time and how it's then held and exchanged globally within the commerce dynamics!

-  changing the selling dynamics means no transfer fees or foreign exchange fees are needed!

                                         Find out how Pay It Forward, Now! works!

                                           QwickP2P     '. . . send P2P exchanges around the world for free!'

With the value attached to productivity there's complete control in the way value is exchanged around the world, each country's digital economy can only perpetually grow by the equivalent to the amount and value of productivity that's linked to each country's sellers listing their products and services, once a value is verified it cannot be reversed,

-  to help escape the crystal ball of speculative economics the Platform avoids the use of credit and especially the use of credit cards that continually prove with the repeated fraud issues that their model was never destined to operate online.

By changing the mechanics in commerce between a seller and buyer wanting to exchange any product or service with money we've been able to change the dynamics where each party, regardless of their location, can now interact in real-time without restrictions to seamlessly trade and give high prices to the seller and low prices to the buyer.

It all means that instead of having products made in developing countries the local manufacturing can remain 'home' within all countries, instead of the physical items being manufactured under the disguise of helping the lower income countries,

-  the selling and buying process can instead be outsourced there as a source of income with more financial gain that's fairly distributed down into the hands of individuals, now that the connection has been made with mobile,

                                                                                                QUIK-Pic                How it Works

-  it makes it more financially viable to manufacture at home rather than to import, and we do it all without ever hindering the local seller and local manufacturer from getting their full selling prices, or the local buyers from buying at 20% or less of the seller's prices, wherever they are in the world it can only benefit economies!

-  it means that a product can be made locally in a developed or developing country, the outsourcing is done in the buying process involving the Crowd from around the world,

-  it avoids local manufacturing jobs being lost and at the same time the full selling price is still achieved at the true value in the country of manufacture!

-  it gives the tools to everyone to go out and start mining the most valuable natural resource there is, people!

-  it puts jobs in the hands of the many, helps free up economies and deliver better standards for all!

-  it targets inequality by helping to change it at the deepest point, it changes the global commerce landscape by giving it the means to flow out into the wider world!

Sellers have a new home!

It's Touch Down Time!

Cloudfunding moves into Main Street!

Where, Construction and Costs?

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