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  QwickPic Ready

QwickPic Ready

QwickPic Ready


QwickPic News
  An Opt-in Subliminal Advertising ( SODA ) Platform is 'Ready' when you are

QwickPic Ready takes advertising and makes it Opt-in for Users visiting websites.

When the QwickPic Ready image or App is shown on a website, Users can either choose to ignore it or Opt-in and activate the hidden or view the QwickPics displays of items that are either listed by the website or from the QwickPic Platform.

Users can either earn Cloudfunds / FEV subliminally or from viewing Deals of products / services that are open to register for bidding, or the QwickPics ads could be Deals that're ready and available to buy.

Users don't need to engage with QwickPic ads if they don't feel like it  -  Users can take advantage of the ads and see what's available in their location, or send out alerts to their affiliate levels and let the Global Crowd take up the challenge.

QwickPic Ready's free subliminal advertising (SODA) can be viewed on desktop to mobile with the same options  -  most displays are subliminally rolled out in the background of a user's device  -  collecting FEV - Free Economic Value ( Cloud Capital / Cloudfunds ) for the user to use as free working capital.

Notifications on desktop and mobile can offer alerts whenever particular produces or services become available to bid for or to buy in a local region.

There are so many ways to engage with QwickPic siAads

Users who register can go directly to the QwickPic platform anytime to search for specific items and users can refine the type of product / service ads they want to be shown and notified when they enter the platform

-  this means that whenever a user is on any internet website and they see the QwickPic Ready app or the siAds logo, they know that they will only see the latest ads showing the range of products / services they have selected in their settings.

With 'Opt-in environments', it provides an enhanced opportunity for Television and Publishers and Marketing Agents to open up new and better revenue models that have more constructive results in local economies.

The activity on the QwickPic Platform is part of the Global Productivity Grid that provides a real-time global view of the commercial activity happening in 'location' hubs around the world.

This leads to Subliminal Interactive Advertising  -  SIA

For any real effective selling online without flooding web pages with visual and disruptive ads, a new type of advertising is needed that slips into web pages almost unseen but still being capable of directing income streams for the web site owners, and earn Users FEV.

The way web sites have tried to earn income streams up until now has been to place ads from various marketing agents onto their web pages to help earn via small percentages of the advertising payments from each click ( CPM )  -  and of course this has lead to the click fraud that the industry is forever confronted with, and Sellers eventually pay for.

With the ultimate in Subliminal Interactive Advertising, television and web sites don't need to spread ads across their screens and web pages to get the clicks for any potential income  -  with just one simple siAds or QwickPic Ready logo positioned on the television screen or web site the User will see nothing, but subliminally in the background, the QwickPics will continue to run on auto scroll without displaying images for as long as the User is visiting the television channel or web site.

The only thing Users need to do is Opt-In when they get to the web site or have their Opt-In login open when they visit web sites, that way it's automatically running from the initial moment they arrive and start earning Free Economic Value for the User, subliminally and organically  -  connection with the User's Global Citizen ID leaves no identification or tracking that the web sites can take advantage of.

  QwickPic Ready QwickPic Ready QwickPic Ready  

QwickPic Ready logo is all that gets shown for SIA to work

For the User they earn from every web site that carries the QwickPic Ready logo, and for web site owners they automatically earn a share of the 2.5% Location Activity Tax of the full Selling Price of any sale linked to a User that earned FEV - free working capital while visiting their web site  -  collecting FEV in this way from web sites avoids any click fraud because the free working capital still needs to be used in strategies before moving to its full validation.

As the Users collect the FEV they carry the link from the web site but it's also linked with the products and services that they get to select which deals they want to register with, and then allocate their free working capital in strategies to win deals  -  the more deals a User decides to participate in the more FEV that gets fully validated to spend on deals listed for local Buyers to buy with Price Demand.

With the way digital advertising has worked via the internet until now has only been to expose a product to an audience who gets nothing for their effort unless they buy the product, which inevitably is offered at a discount to attract the buyer  -  the web site owners never have any real connection to anything more than a tiny share of the advertising payments paid by the sellers that gets spread across thousands and even millions of views through the various channels  -  SIA flips that model by reverse-engineering advertising's commercial dynamics so that global scale can be expanded without flooding the environment with unnecessary advertising displays.

SIA raises the bar by giving web site owners the direct connection to the end sale of products and services sold through their web pages  -  instead of needing to spread across thousands of views, SIA, just from one visitor, could earn a share of the 2.5% LAT of the full selling price of a sale  -  instead of taking profit away from Sellers with paid advertising, SIA focuses on the full Supply and Demand cycle and taps into the real productivity along the Supply Chains by rewriting and streamlining the dynamics in Commerce, rather than just adding the cost of advertising for Sellers to do business.

The option is there for web site owners to decide if they use SIA or display the QwickPics ( even their own products and services ) , the outcome for the web site owner is the same in earning a share of the 2.5% of the full selling value from any sales  -  the change is in the experience for the User, especially on mobile where ads are not wanted, hence why subliminal and organic is a better future for advertising.

The SIA outcome is the same as when products and services are listed by Sellers to Outsource the Selling, it doesn't matter if the items are visually seen by Users, the items still become part of the flow through to the Outsourced Selling process, and are predictably sold when Sellers release the product and service deals to their local Buyers with Price Demand.

SIA is suitable for any web site looking for a better User experience  -  it's an ideal option for Video and Publisher sites that are wanting less intrusion and cleaner pages without ads but still get the income streams they need, even better incomes  -  adding to the organic earnings of both Users and web site owners, especially those with content like Publishers, there's a payment option that seamlessly operates in the background by transferring micro payments to Content Providers ( with full disclosure to Users ) when Users view content.

  Sellers can Sign-up for early access
We're opening up to Sellers early - so if your business wants to gain the advantage, please add your details

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Check out a Deal Registration and Cloudfund Strategy

See a Snap-Shot view of a Cloudfund strategy and bidding for Deals

Cloudfunding generates Price Demand  -  digitizes 'cash' to flow ubiquitously around the world

What's The Monetizing Moment?

Cloud Commerce operates by Outsourcing the Selling to the Crowd by Cloudfunding

How Sellers Outsource their Selling to the Crowd?

   'Pay it Forward, Now!' completes the sales activity for sellers!

As UDC is validated and exchanged in the Digital Economy it permeates out into local economies!

see the connection of players that help achieve 'Productivity' :   Global Cloud Productivity

Wherever your Location is - you are not alone!

- this is the 'RunWay' we're now on, with the New Economy!


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