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Wage Flip Tag

Local Media    QwickPic           QUIK-Pics
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Local Media    OMM                   OMM
Local Media    LA Agent            LA Agent

Local Media    Wage Shift        Wage Shift
Local Media    Short Term Jobs

Wage Flip


  the 'D.O.M.E.'


  FOMEZ - Localization

  Productivity First

  RingLink Tech


  Cloud Productivity

  UDC - Neutral Currency

  Local - Capital Flows

  Balance of Payments

  Pay It Forward, Now!

  Digitizing Cash

  Booms and Busts

  Open Market Revenue

  Automation - AI

  Fractional Economics

  Supply Chain

  Economies of Scale

  Exchange Platform

  Global Locations

  Distribution of Wealth

  Labour MarketPlace

  Affordable Living

  Job Creation
And for the employers:

The employer / Seller / 'Boss' can generate Wage Shift Smart Contracts or buy Smart Contracts listed on the WLM ( World Labour MarketPlace Index ),

-  employers can list their own Wage Shift Smart Contracts using their employees wage levels but still need to compete with other employers to claim them

-  employers can buy Wage Shift Smart Contracts listed a WLM Index and compete with Price Demand and the cascading Buying Prices

These Wage Shift Smart Contracts are generated by the OMMs ( market makers ) and employers can win the Smart Contracts using their free working capital FEV and own the Smart Contracts outright ready to give to their employees.

For Wage Shift Smart Contracts to be released there needs to a list of employees that would be eligible to accept their wage plus the 20% bonus

When an employer buys from the WLM the Wage Shift Smart Contracts can only be used for that Seller’s employees.

As with all Smart Contracts offered by businesses and industries the Price Demand applies.

Employee   l   Employer   l   World Labour MarketPlace   l   Short Term Jobs

We'll soon be launching and to help us determine where to concentrate our efforts.

To give us some idea of where to focus our launch
- it would be great if you listed your country where you lived.

You can leave your city and country instead of your email, or maybe both!

Select from the list of Continents below just to show the region where you live
before adding your details.

We promise we will not give, sell or use the info for anything other than to update you of our launch!



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